Security Support

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There are over 20,000 cyber crimes every day.

Your critical databases, software, hardware as well as your end users are fair game in the world of cyber crime. Luckily you can virtually eliminate all threats by taking the correct pro active approach to security. Bolido Networks security support service gives you peace of mind that your data is safe round the clock. With the help of our 24hr network management center looking for threats and suspicious trends.

Bolido Networks can maintain your security solution ensuring you always have the correct capabilities to support your application. We ensure the latest patches and upgrades are applied as well as monitoring device health. Advice on how to get the best performance from your security solution is offered. We also offer a super fast firewall rule change turnaround as we give security the highest priority.

Cisco and all the leading security hardware manufacturers are supported by Bolido Networks. We can also provide consultancy, change management, technical support & field support services.

Ensure your network stays on top of the latest cyber-threats and continues to protect your valuable information – Talk to the Bolido security solutions team.


Moving office? Contract nearing renewal? Contact us to find out more about our IT services & support.